Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why Cong failed to work wonders which Modi did with Central funds in Gujarat?

Why Cong failed to work wonders which Modi did with Central funds in Gujarat?

So at last the Congress confesses, though belatedly, that Mr. Narinder Modi has worked wonders in development in Gujarat, but with a rider that development works in Gujarat were being implemented using Central funds and that he had not done “anything significant”. That is what the Union Minister Kapil Sibal said on March 29 in New Delhi. ( The legal eagle Sibal has once again proved that he thrives in the art of being illogical in what he believesto be his great logic

Firstly, Mr. Sibal needs to understand that the “central funds” are not the Congress  party’s own money raised through donations from big business.  It is public money and if any public money is given to any state government by a Central government, it is not a favour on the state government or its people. It is people’s own money, their own hard-earned money, their right and sanctioning it for development of the people in States is the ruling government’s bounden duty mandated by the people.

Secondly, it the Central funds, so kindly sanctioned by the Manmohan government, are fhe magic wand, why has the Central government itself or the Congress-ruled governments have failed to strike the same wonders in development which Mr. Narendra Modi has succeeded in doing in Gujarat? Why is that the GDP growth of Gujarat is about three times more than that of the ‘kind donar’ Manmohan government? If the Manmohan government’s this ‘wonder money’ can work wonders in the GDP growth of the non-Congress states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar etc. , why had it failed to strike the same magic in Manmohan’s own government? Had GDP growth not been that much higher than that of Manmohan Government, Union government’s achievement on this score would have been still lower.

Obviously ridiculing Mr. Narinder Modi without taking his name by saying that if “somebody wins three times and thinks he is a contender (for the post of Prime Minister).And he has not done anything significant there, whatever has been done is through central funds," Mr. Sibal was exposing himself to be ridiculous who does not believe in democracy and has no respect for the will of the people. Mr. Sibal must understand that in democracy everybody has a right to entertain an ambition to be a prime ministerial candidate. And merely wishing does not make a person a prime minister. It is not individuals like Mr. Sibal, Congress Party, BJP or any other political organisation which can make any person a prime minister. It is finally the verdict of the people which makes and unmakes an individual. He forgets that it was individuals like him who had joined a chorus as early as in 1996 even that Mrs. Sonia Gandhi should be prime minister when she had,  as yet, not enrolled herself as an ordinary member of Congress Party and had as yet not contested even a single election. When Mr. Rahul Gandhi won the 2004 Lok Sabha elections for the first time, Mr. Sibal was one of the numerous Congress leaders who joined the rant for making Mr.Rahul the prime minister although that victory was not his personal one. Though he is now only in his second term as MP, yet it wil be a sheer exaggeration and hypocrisy to say that his own victory and that of the Congress then was because of Mr. Rahul, notwithstanding his poor showing in last year’s UP Vidhan Sabha elections  where Congress faired very badly in his own and his mother’s parliamentary constituencies. Yet, the Congress chorus for making him prime minister continus unabated by persons like Mr. Sibal.

On the contrary, people like Mr. Sibal try to trivialise the three time win for himself and his BJP in Gujarat which is as much a Modi win as is it that of the BJP. The people of the State irrespective of their caste and creed have given a big hand to Mr. Modi despite his detractors’ false propaganda to the contrary. Yet, the likes of Mr. Sibal have the cheek to ridicule people’s dermand for making Mr. Narendra Modi as the prime minister. So far Mr. Modi himself has never uttered a word on the issue. If people like Mr. Sibal and his Congress colleagues have the right to propose that Mr. Rahul (and earlier, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi) be the prime minister, how can they deny the same right to other leaders if they speak for Mr. Narendra Modi? Is democracy the dynastic property of people like Mr. Sibal to the exclusion of all others who do not agree with them?

We do expect Mr. Sibal to inform and educate the people who do not agree with him with this illogical logic?

Sunday, March 24, 2013


The VVIP accused

If you're an Italian in India, you're a VVIP. It had never been in doubt in the past. The only thing new this time is that if you're an Italian and have committed a heinous crime in India, you continue to be so. Be it Ottavio Quattrocchi or the two Italian marines Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre facing charges of murder in Kerala, they are treated as VVIPs, as the ordinary Indian accused of similar or lesser crimes rot in jails.

In spite of the fact that law & order is the State subject, the Government of India (GoI) had, from the very beginning, been trying to poke its nose in the criminal case against the Italian sailors. It put pressure on Congress government there but in vain. The reasons are not difficult to fathom.

GoI has proved to be the most condescending and kind to let these accused to visit their homeland Italy for Christmas celebrations. Then, it allowed the two, just after two months, to visit their country once again for a month to exercise their right to franchise. The GoI did not oppose their request.  Even a surety of a sizeable amount was not demanded.  

The Italian Ambassador to India deliberately withheld from the Supreme Court of India (SC) the fact that under the Italian constitution an Italian citizen can exercise his franchise through the Italian embassy in the country wherever he is at the time of polling. 

The two Italian sailors facing murder charges have not been put in any jail but in guest houses, a luxury at the cost of the Indian people.

No mortal of Indian origin charged with murder or any other heinous crime is allowed parole to celebrate Dussehra, Diwali, Holi, Navratras, Ramzan, Christmas or the like. No accused in jail have ever been allowed to visit their native places to exercise their democratic right to franchise even for a day. Even our elected representatives in Central and State legislatures facing similar charges in courts are not extended this privilege.

The Government of Italy, first, refused to honour the undertaking given by the Italian Ambassador to the SC that the duo will return after one month. When the SC took a firm stand and directed the Ambassador not to leave India, it sent waves of panic in Italy. Its Ambassador stood the possibility of being jailed for contempt of court. Ultimately, the Government of Italy did bend but not before the GoI crawled.

Justifying the earlier stand, the Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzia told an Italian publication:"We would not have been able to negotiate the current conditions, which envisage (good) conditions of everyday living and guarantee that the death penalty will not applied."

Good living conditions are being interpreted as a sort of house arrest under the care of the Italian ambassador. The two sailors returned just in time to keep Rome's commitment to the SC.

Italian deputy foreign minister Staffan de Mistura, who accompanied the marines back to India, flashing the GoI undertaking, said the "suspension" of affidavit given in SC was a difficult decision but added that the Italian law against death penalty is so strict that Italy needed a guarantee. Thus Government of Italy extracted from India what it could have got only if there was an extradition treaty between the two countries. In similar circumstances, India had drawn blank in the past.

The solution was triggered by a letter from Indian authorities which was a very comprehensive letter and official letter guaranteeing to the Italian authorities that in this case there is no question that death penalty could even be envisaged and at the same time the marines upon their return will have the same status that they had on their departure," Mistura said.

Though India's foreign minister Salman Khurshid asserted that no deal had been struck, yet he admitted in Parliament that India had assured Italy in writing that there would be no death penalty for marines. He clearly said, "Notwithstanding the pending proceedings, the government has informed the Italian government that the two marines will not be liable for arrest if they return within the time frame laid down by the Supreme Court of India, and shall once again be bound by the conditions contained in the order passed by the court on 18th January, 2013."

The minister added: "... and that, according to well settled Indian jurisprudence, this case would not fall in the category of matters which attract the death penalty, that is to say the rarest of rare cases." The assurance that the marines will not face death penalty was touted by Italy as a major concession as the sentence violates European Union law but it put the Indian government in a fix for pre-judging the likely charges that can be brought to bear against the marines.

The VVIP treatment meted out – and assured – to the Italian accused violates the provisions in Article 14 of the Constitution of India which provides that the "State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth" (emphasis added). Article 15 prohibits discrimination on the same grounds.
Whether a person is guilty or innocent of the charge brought against him or her should or should not face death penalty or whether the crime is "the rarest of the rare cases" is the exclusive jurisdiction of the judiciary and not of the executive, i.e. GoI. Once our Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had decried the judicial "overreach" of the courts. Does Khurshid's assurance not amount to executive "overreach"?

The surrender story does not end here. The GoI on March 23  asked the Delhi High Court to set up a special court to try the two Italian marines accused of killing two fishermen off the Kerala coast last year.  Earlier in the day, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that the Kollam district sessions court should be designated as the special court for the trial of the case. In a letter to the PM, Chandy said that the Kollam sessions court was originally scheduled for the trial and if the special court is constituted in Delhi, as directed by the Supreme Court, witnesses in the case will have to frequently travel to Delhi. Besides, documents in the chargesheet which are in Malayalam have to be translated into other languages. That would delay the trial, said the Chief Minister. ( But, for obvious reasons, GoI has chosen to brush aside the objections of its own Congress government.
Numerous persons of foreign origin, including those involved in the Purulia arms dropping case, have been arrested and tried for various crimes in India. But never has the government treated them differently from the persons of Indian origin. No person, however high or low, accused of any crime has been accorded "good living conditions" being interpreted as a sort of house arrest under the care of the … ambassador" of the country they belong to. Why this exception in the case of Italians? That remains unexplained.

The only saving grace is that Manmohan government has succeeded in preventing a major diplomatic blast that would have harmed India more than Italy. But all this happened only after UPA government crawled to make Italy bend.

Friday, March 22, 2013

आज की फुहार --- भगवान्, मुझे वर नहीं, कन्‍या चाहिये

 आज की फुहार                                                                 
भगवान्, मुझे वर नहीं, कन्‍या चाहिये

एक युवक की शादी नहीं हो पा रही थी। वह बड़ा परेशान रहता था। एक दिन उसके एक शुभचिन्‍तक ने उसे सलाह दी कि वह भगवान् शिव की आराधन करे। भोले शंकर बहुत जल्‍दी प्रसन्‍न हो जाते हैं और वह तुम्‍हारी इच्‍छा अवश्‍य पूरी कर देंगे।

उस युवक ने भगवान् शिव की घोर तपस्‍या की। भगवान् प्रसन्‍न हुये। बोले, ''बेटा, बर मांगा।''

परेशान युवक ने गिड़गिड़ाते हुये याचना की, ''भगवान्, मुझे वर नहीं, कन्‍या चाहिये।''

भगवान् शिव ने कहा, ''तथासतु'' और लोप हो गये।

(शायद किसी ने सुनाया था)

CBI raids on Stalin --- Govt denial of hand amounts to confession

CBI raids on Stalin
Govt denial of hand amounts to confession

CBI raids as part of political vendetta or  to rein in recalcitrant political leaders of the ruling party's own men or those opposing it, are not something new in this country. It also speaks volumes for the independence and impartiality of the prime investigating agency of the country.  Also recall the Income Tax Department raids on the premises of business concerns run by the former BJP national President Nitin Gadkari on January 22  this year, a day before he was scheduled to file his nominations for another term of office paving the way for his unopposed election.
The latest has been the CBI raiding the residence of  DMK leader and DMK supremo M. Karunanidhi's son, M. K. Stalin, within 48 hours of the party having withdrawn its support to the UPA government. Stalin had been named Karunanidhi's heir only a few days back. It is also no longer a secret that Stalin was the architect of the DMK decision to withdraw support from UPA government. CBI did explain that it was a part of the routine raids in connection with luxury car duty fraud and that the timing became just a coincidence and embarrassment for the ruling party.
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was quick to condemn the raids. Finance Minister P. Chidambaram who represents this area claimed that he and the government had "no role" in the raids. Yet, at the same time, the raids were stopped at the instance of the government. If the raids were not organized on orders of the Manmohan government, how could these be stopped on their orders? If the prime investigating agency of the country is independent and impartial which does not seek directions from government in its functions and brooks no interference, why did it make exception this time halting the raids and the process of investigation under government orders?
A significant point was raised by the Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha. "Merely because it has a political fallout, it is improper for any Prime Minister or a finance minister", said Jailtley, "to so blatantly interfere in the functioning of CBI and cripple it from carrying on its routine investigations". If the searches were routine and the CBI was an independent body, it should have been allowed to carry out their routine investigations of their own and not interfered merely because  there was a "political fallout" of their action, he said.
One newspaper report has come out with a funny explanation: CBI did not know that it was Stalin's residence.
It is on record that the CBI had been taking contradictory stands in courts on criminal cases of assets beyond known sources of income against Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Sushri Mayawati and Rashtriya Janata Dal President Lalu Prasad Yadav hanging fire at various stages in various courts. The pendulum of CBI stand has been tilting with the stand of these parties towards the ruling UPA government. At times, CBI had to face embarrassment in courts on this issue.
Whatever it is, the CBI raids on the residence of M. K. Stalin have definitely given out a message loud and clear both to the UPA partners, supporters from outside and even to the opponents. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

जीवन ऐसा भी ------ हाजि़र जवाब

जीवन ऐसा भी
हाजि़र जवाब

महाविद्यालय में क्‍लास चल रही थी। एक विद्यार्थी अपने प्राध्‍यापक से प्रश्‍न पर प्रश्‍न पूछे जा रहा था। कुछ प्रश्‍न बेतुके व व्‍यर्थ भी थे। प्राध्‍यापक ने उसे चेतावनी दी कि वह व्‍यर्थ में प्रश्‍न पूछ कर व्‍यवधान न डाले। पर वह विद्यार्थी बाज़ न आया। तंग आकर प्राध्‍यापक ने गु़स्‍से में आकर उसे क्‍लास छोड़कर बाहर जाने का आदेश दे दिया।

बाहर जाने से पूर्व विद्यार्थी ने पूछा, ''सर, मैं क्‍लास में कब वापस आ सकता हूं\''

''जब तुम अपने किये पर मुआफी मांग लोगे तब।'' प्राध्‍यापक ने सख्‍ती से कहा।

''मैं तो मुआफी अभी ही मांगता हूं।'' विद्यार्थी ने कहा।

प्राध्‍यापक के चेहरे पर मुस्‍कान आ गई। उसने कहा, ''तब तुम बैठ जाओ।''


Monday, March 18, 2013

Interested to read? ITALY TAKES INDIA FOR A RIDE

Interested to read?
Italy takes India for a ride
Two Italian marines charged with murder of two Indian fishermen

The Times of India

THE WEEK (March 24, 2013 issue)

The Sunday Guardian (March 17, 2013)
Page 3
2.    Embarrassnebt bit bew fir Ubdua
3.    'Mancini has lost diplomatic immunity'
4.    Delhi worried Rome won't welcome envoy

Page 10 - Editorial
Comment & Analysis
Page 11 
Delhi always locks stable door after Italian horse has bolted
(Article by  Mr. Virendra Kapoor)

Page 12  
Chief Justice, extend your grace to all, not just to Italian Marines
(Article by M. D. Nalapat)

Page 13
Time to proceed against Mancini in person

Sunday, March 17, 2013

आज की फुहार भलीमानस, मुझे इतना याद मत कर (18-03-2013)

 आज की फुहार                                                                 
भलीमानस, मुझे इतना याद मत कर

एक गांव का अनपढ़ व्‍यक्ति शहर में काम ढूंढने चला। जाते समय उसकी पत्नि ने बड़े प्‍यार से कहा – देखोजी, आपको जब भी छींक आये तो समझ लेना कि मैं याद कर रही हूं।

''अच्‍छा'' कह कर वह आगे हो लिया।

जाते ही दो दिन बाद उसे शहर में ज़ोर का सर्दी-ज़ुकाम हो गया। छींक-छींक कर उसका बुरा हाल था। हार कर वह एक व्‍यक्ति के पास गया और उसने अपनी पत्नि को पत्र लिखवाया, ''भलीमानस, मुझे इतना याद मत कर। छींक-छींक कर मेरी जान निकली जा रही है।''
(किसी ने सुनाया था)

फुहार अदालत से                                                                 
तुम दोनों ही कमाल करते हो!

दो वकील एक अदालत में एक मामले पर बहस कर रहे थे। पहले ने कहा, ''तुम कमाल करते हो!''

दूसरा वकील इस पर भड़क उठा। पलट कर बोला, ''तुम कमाल करते हो!''

जज ने दोनों को शान्‍त करते हुये कहा, ''नहीं। तुम दोनों ही कमाल करते हो।''

दोनों ही वकील शान्‍त हो गये और हंस पड़े।

(मैं उस समय स्‍वयं मौजूद था)

यस माई फादर-इन-ला!

एक लड़का नया-नया वकील बना था। वह जज पर अपने ज्ञान की छाप छोड़ने के लिये बड़े आक्रामक व उतावले ढंग से बहस कर रहा था। जज ने उसे सलाह दी – देखो। शान्ति से काम करो। इतने आक्रामक व उत्‍तेजित मत होओ। As yet you are just a child in law.

जज के आगे सम्‍मान में झुकते हुये उसने तपाक से कहा – यस माई फादर-इन-ला! (Yes my father-in-law!)

(किसी अंग्रेज़ी अखबार में पढ़ा था)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

आज की फुहार मुझे स्‍वर्ग-नर्क से क्‍या लेना-देना?

 आज की फुहार                                                                 
मुझे स्‍वर्ग-नर्क से क्‍या लेना-देना?

एक व्‍यक्ति ने सारी उम्र वही काम किया जिसमें कि उसको चार पैसे का फायदा हो जाये। इसी में उसकी उम्र बीत गई। अन्‍त में उसे यमराज के पास पेश किया गया। यमराज ने पूछा – बता, तुझे स्‍वर्ग भेजा जाये या नर्क?

हाथ जोड़कर उसने यमराज से बिनती की – महाराज, मुझे स्‍वर्ग-नर्क से क्‍या लेना-देना? जहां मुझे दो पैसे का फायदा हो, मुझे वहीं भेज दीजिये।

(किसी ने सुनाया था)

Friday, March 15, 2013


Special Perks to Ex-governors

Daily Naya India (Hindi) has come out with a report (March 09, 2013) that the present UPA government has been too pleased to shower many favours and perks on the ex-governors at public cost.
UPA has decided to provide a secretary and to dole out `20,000 per month to enable ex-governors to maintain their office for life. Further a special identity card is being designed so that they get special attention at railway stations and airports while travelling. A protocol is also being devised for them.
To justify the step, the government explains that the ex-governors have complained that after they demit office, they are made to lead a life of no identity. All this is being done to maintain their dignity in retired life, the government explained.
It needs to be kept in mind that more than 95 percent of the ex-governors still alive belong to the ruling Congress Party or those who served it well. The appointment of governors is solely a discretionary favour on the persons. There are no rules governing their appointment and selection. Today the Raj Bhawans in Congress-ruled States have been turned into Congress Bhawans where governors keep a friendly eye on the activities of the Congress governments to promote and protect the ruling party interests. In non-Congress ruled States, the Raj Bhawans are known to have been converted into Opposition Bhawans. The governors play the role of the opposition more than that is performed by the elected leaders of opposition in the assembly. They keep the State governments on their toes by everyday pinpricking. Such instances are seen today in the States of Gujarat, Karnataka etc.
It is needless to recall how the office of the governor has been misused by the ruling party in destabilizing elected governments through underhand means by back room maneuvers. The cases of Bihar, Goa, Jharkhand, and so on are the recent instances. In Bihar the role of the then Governor Buta Singh was severely censured by the Supreme Court and he had ultimately to vacate the Raj Bhawan.
It is not difficult to perceive that effort has always been made to put diehard Congress leaders in the Raj Bhawan with a specific mandate in opposition ruled States. Instances are not few and far between to find when governors have called on the national party chiefs, obviously to seek their 'inspiration' and aashirwaad.
For all intents and purposes, a governor is a public servant. But he is a glamourised and privileged variety. If a public servant is found derelict in the performance of his duties as per the law and the rules, he is made answerable. At times he even loses his job and pension. But it is not so in the case of governors. Governors like Bhandari and Buta Singh had to quit following a censure of their conduct by the courts, yet they continue to draw all the benefits due to a retired governor.
In these circumstances, the UPA government move is bound to entail a heavy burden on the hard earned money of the aam aadmi only to prize the individuals who were only the blue-eyed persons of the ruling bosses to promote and protect their sectarian political and electoral interests at the cost of public interest.   

आज की फुहार खाना बिलकुल तैय्यार, रैस्‍तरां में

 आज की फुहार                                                                     

खाना बिलकुल तैय्यार, रैस्‍तरां में
थका-मांदा पति घर आया शाम को अपने कारोबार से। उसे बड़ी भूख लगी थी। उसने पत्नि को पूछा – ''खाना तैय्यार है?''

''बिलकुल।'' पत्नि ने सहज भाव से उत्‍तर दिया, ''बाहर, रैस्‍तरां में।''

(टाइम्‍स आफ इण्डिया अंग्रेज़ी में बहुत पहले पढ़ा था)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

जीवन ऐसा भी - तेरी मज़ाक करने की आदत नहीं गई

जीवन ऐसा भी
तेरी मज़ाक करने की आदत नहीं गई

एक जाट आया और उसने बिना बात के एक दुकारदार को ज़ोर से दो चांटे जड़ दिये। ग़ुस्‍से में आकर दुकानदार ने चेतावनी दी कि तू एक और चांटा मार और फिर उसका ख़मियाजा भुगत। जाट ने ज़ोर से एक और थमा दिया चांटा। दुकानदार को बहुत ग़ुस्‍सा आ गया। उसने कहा कि मैं चेतावनी देता हॅू कि ऐसी हिमाकत फिर न करना वरन् उसका परिणाम बुरा निकलेगा।

पर जाट फिर न माना और उसने एक और चांटा थमा दिया। अब तो उस दुकानदार के ग़ुस्‍से की सीमा न थी। उसने जाट को ललकारते हुये कहा – अब आगे हिम्‍मत मत करना वरन् मैं तेरी ऐसी-तैसी फेर दूंगा। तू सारी उम्र पछतायेगा कि तू ने गलत आदमी से पंगा ले लिया।

पर जाट ने फिर दो चपत जड़ दी। अब तो दुकानदार से न रहा गया। हंसते हुये बोला – छोड़ यार। तेरी बचपन की मज़ाक करने की आदत नहीं गई।

अब आप ही सोचिये कि यह कहानी किस पर फिट बैठती है।


Saturday, March 9, 2013

आज की फुहार चवन्‍नी के लिये 10-03-2013

आज की फुहार
चवन्‍नी के लिये

एक व्‍यक्ति की एक चवन्‍नी यानी 25 पैसे कीचड़ में गिर गये। वह उसे ढूंढ रहा था और बोले जा रहा था कि ईश्‍वर मेरी चवन्‍नी ढुंडवा दे। मैं पांच पैसे तेरे मन्दिर में चढ़ाऊंगा। उसका एक दोस्‍त देख रहा था। उसने कहा – तू अपने देवता से यह प्रार्थना न कर दूसरे से क्‍यों प्रार्थना कर रहा है?

उसने उत्‍तर दिया – तो तू क्‍या समझता है कि अपनी एक चवन्‍नी ढूंढने के लिये क्‍या मैं अपने भगवान को इस कीचड़ में घूसेड़ दूं?

(बहुत पहले किसी ने सूनाया था

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Assembly elections to determine Rahul's prime ministerial ambitions

Assembly elections to determine
Rahul's prime ministerial ambitions

By Amba Charan Vashishth

When Mr. Rahul Gandhi was elevated as Vice-President of the All-India Congress Committee at Jaipur on January 20, 2013 his mother and Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi visited him at night and warned "power is poison". In his first speech accepting the position, Mr. Rahul said, "Last night… My mother came to my room and she sat with me and she cried... because she understands that power so many people seek is actually a poison.” The only corollary to his elevation, so went the impression, was that he would be the party's prime ministerial candidate for 2014 Lok Sabha (LS) elections. Many a times in the past has the incumbent Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh reiterated that he is ready to make room for Mr. Rahul the moment the Party wants. Simultaneously, there has been a chorus of demands within the party that Mr. Rahul should be the prime minister.
When Mrs. Gandhi referred to "power", she was obviously alluding to a situation in which the people vote a person and party to power. It cannot be otherwise.  A party never does – and never can – vote itself or its leader into "power". It is the exclusive prerogative of the people and people alone, and not of the party workers, to put an individual or a political organization into power. Therefore, Mrs. Gandhi anticipated that Rahul will get "power" through people's mandate.
Yet, Mr. Rahul's stand remains confusing. About three months back he boldly declared that he is ready to shoulder higher responsibility and said that this will be decided by his mother and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. In January he accepted the post of Vice-President of the Party. But in the first week of March he declared that the post of PM is not vacant and, therefore, his being a candidate does not arise. Two days later, on March 5 he said, "Asking me whether you want to be prime minister is a wrong question".  Further, "I want to give to the middle tier, empower the middle-level leaders". Does it imply that his becoming a prime minister would stand in the way of his realizing this noble objective?
On the other hand, the reaction of Congress Party to Mr. Rahul's observations is all the more queer. While "make Rahul prime minister" pitch remains sonorous the Congress, on the other hand, reacted on March 6 saying, "As and when time will come the party will take an appropriate decision…..he (Rahul) is the most appropriate candidate." It clearly implies that the incumbent prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh may be more "appropriate" but Rahul is "the most". It is, therefore, but natural that the Congress should settle  for the "the most appropriate" candidate instead of the more one. In nutshell, "As and when time will come the party will take an appropriate decision" to project "the most appropriate candidate", that is Rahul, in place of Dr. Manmohan Singh. That only means that it is only a matter of months, if not of days, before Dr. Singh is eased out.
The everyday rant by Mr. Rahul Gandhi, his diehard followers and the Congress Party is only making the already confused situation worse confounded. While Mr. Gandhi seems to be trying to create an impression that he is not after office, and, simultaneously, conveying a sense of feeling to the people that he is a leader "reluctant" and shy to shoulder the onerous responsibility. Mr. Rahul Gandhi's past record of leading his party to victory at the hustings is not that much inspiring, given the results of assembly elections in Gujarat, UP, Punjab, Bihar and more recently in Tripura. And then the spectrum of assembly elections is looming large in important States of Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and maybe even in Jharkhand. It  does not seem to give Mr. Rahul the courage to take the final plunge. A defeat – even a minor win here and there – is not likely to bolster his image and grit to take on the opposition by the horn in the final battle for the 2014 LS elections in the next 11 months.
Therefore, in all probability, "the appropriate time" of Congress conception will herald only if election results in these States are heartening to inject in Mr. Rahul Gandhi the guts to take a final plunge. By announcing him as party's prime ministerial candidate at the moment Congress cannot afford to stake Mr. Rahul Gandhi's political career to the outcome of assembly elections. It can turn disastrous and mar his chances to be projected as the party's prime ministerial candidate in 2014. The tide in the assembly elections will thus determine the course of his political future.  
The writer is a Delhi based political analyst and commentator

Monday, March 4, 2013

आज की फुहार अपने ईश्वर से अटखेलियाँ 06-03-2013

 आज की फुहार                                                                      06-03-2013

अपने ईश्वर से अटखेलियाँ

हिंदू धर्म ही ऐसा धर्म है जिसके अनुयायी आपने ईश्वर से भी अटखेलियां  कर लेते  हैं और अपनेदेवताओं से भी मजाक कर लेते हैं. उनसे हास-परिहास कर लेते हैं. यहाँ है प्रस्तुत ऐसे ही कुछ चुटकले.

इस नीच को स्वर्ग में फेंको

एक व्यक्ति ने सारी उम्र तुक्के ही मारे. कभी किसी को कुछ कह दिया तो किसी को कुछ. अंतिम समय जब यमराज के दूत उसे लेने आए तो उनको उसने पूछा कि तुम्हें किस यमराज ने भेजा है?

"किस का क्या मतलब? यमराज महाराज तो बस एक ही हैं और उन्होनें ही हमें भेजा है", दूतों ने कड़क से कहा. 

"भाई, मेरा मतलब है कि नए यमराज महाराज ने या पुराने ने?" उसने दोहराया.

खीज कर दूतों ने कहा, "महाराज तो नए पुराने कोई नहीं बस एक ही हैं और उन्हों ने भेजा है. तुम चलो हमारे साथ".

"भैय्या, मुझे चलने में कोई इतराज़ नहीं है. मैं तो बस तुम्हारी चिंता कर रहा हूँ कि नये महाराज तुम पर नाराज़ न हो जाएँ कि उन्होंने तो मुझे लाने को कहा ही नहीं और तुम कैसे ले आये? मेरी तो बिनती है कि तुम दोबारा पता कर लो. कहीं बात तुम पर न आ जाये."

दूत घबरा गए कि इस आदमी को यह कैसे पता चल गया. वह वापस चले गए और उन्हों ने यमराज महाराज को सारी बात बता दी. घबराहट में उन्होंने कहा, "महाराज, हमें तो यह समझ नहीं आता कि यह समाचार यहाँ हमें तो पता नहीं पर मृत्युलोक में कैसे पहुँच गया?"

घबराये-घबराये यमराज भगवान विष्णुजी के पास पहुंचे और उनके चरणों में प्रणाम कर पूछा, "हे महाराज, क्या मुझ तुच्छ से कोई गलती हो गयी है क्या?"

हैरान भगवान विष्णुजी ने पूछा, "यमराज, कैसी बात कर रहे हो तुम? मुझे तो समझ नहीं आ रहा."

"महाराज, आपने मेरी जगह नया यमराज क्यों नियुक्त कर दिया?"

"क्या कह रहे हो, यमराज?" भगवान विष्णुजी ने हैरानी में पूछा. "तुम्हें किस ने यह कह दिया?"

फिर भी अपनी घबराहट न छुपाते हुए यमराज ने कहा, "परमपिता, यह समाचार तो मृत्युलोक में भी पहुँच गया है." यमराज ने दूतों द्वारा सुनायी सारी कहानी सुना दी.

भगवान विष्णु घुस्से में आ गए. कड़क कर बोले, "जिस नीच ने यह झूठा समाचार फैलाया है उस नीच को तुरंत मेरे सामने पेश करो."

"जो आज्ञा महाराज" कह कर आश्वस्त हो कर यमराज वापस चले गए और दूतों को उस व्यक्ति को तुरंत लेन का आदेश दे दिया.

जब दूत उसे ले आये तो यमराज ने उसे विष्णु भगवान जी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत किया. भगवान ने पूछा कि बता तूने यह झूठ क्यों बोला?"

उसने गिडगिडाते हुए कागा, "परमेश्वर, मैंने तो सारी उम्र यही काम किया. किसी को कुछ कह दिया, किसी को कुछ. यही मैंने यमदूतों से किया. मुझे क्षमा करदें मेरे ईश्वर."

भगवान विष्णुजी ने कहा, "नहीं. तुझे तो सज़ा ही मिलेगी. इसे नरक में ड़ाल दिया जाये."

"मेरे ईश्वर. आप यह क्या कर रहे हैं? इससे तो आपके नाम पर बट्टा लग जायेगा."

"क्यों?" भगवान ने पूछा.

"महाराज, ऋषि-मुनि तो अनेकों साल आपकी कड़ी तपस्या करते हैं, फिर भी उनको आपके दर्शन का सौभाग्य प्राप्त नहीं होता. पर फिर भी आप कृपानिधान उन्हें स्वर्ग भेज देते हैं. पर मैंने तो आपके साक्षात् दर्शन कर लिए हैं. फिर भी आप मुझे नर्क भेजेंगे तो आपकी तपस्या कौन करेगा?"

भगवान विष्णुजी ने खीज कर कहा, "इस नीच को स्वर्ग में  फेंक दो".

जा, हनुमानजी की शरण जा!

एक गाँव था जिसमें केवल एक ही जाति के लोग रहते थे. एक दिन गाँव के कुछ बड़े लोग इकट्ठे हुए और कहने लगे कि गाँव के लड़के कुछ भटक रहे हैं इसलिए गाँव में एक मंदिर की स्थापना की जाये ताकि उनका मन ईश्वर व धर्म-कर्म की ओर भी आकर्षित हो. चर्चा के बाद कि किस भगवान का मंदिर बनाया जाये यह फैसला हुआ कि भगवान राम का मंदिर स्थापित किया जाये.

जब मंदिर स्थापित हो गया तो गाँव के बड़ों ने कहा कि मंदिर में तो पुजारी भी रखना पड़ेगा. पर समस्या खड़ी हो गयी कि गाँव में ब्राह्मिण का घर तो कोई है नहीं कि किसी को पुजारी बना दिया जाये. गाँव के बड़ों ने कहा कि अब इस गाँव में पंडित कहाँ से बसाएंगे? इसलिए निर्णय यह हुआ कि अपनी ही जाति के किसी बेरोजगार लड़के को ही पुजारी बना देते हैं.  और बना भी दिया गया.

इस नए पुजारी ने एक दिन देखा कि एक व्यक्ति भगवान राम के मंदिर के आगे नाक रगड-रगड कर कुच्छ प्रार्थना कर रहा है.
पुजारी ने पूछा, "क्या हुआ?"

उसने बताया कि उसकी बीवी उससे नाराज़ हो कर घर से चली गयी है. वह अब प्रार्थना कर रहा है कि भगवान उसे किसी तरह एक बार घर भेज दे, मैं उसे सदा खुश रखूंगा.

पुजारी ने कहा कि यहाँ नाक रगड़ने का कोई फायदा नहीं. उसकी तो अपनी ही पत्नी को हनुमानजी ने ढूँढा था. तू साथ के गाँव में संकट मोचन महावीर जी के मंदिर जा. वह ही तेरा कल्याण करेंगे.

यह विधान ही बदल दो!

नारी शक्ति को जागृत करने वाले और उनके अधिकारों के लिए लड़ने वालों की कभी कमी नहीं रही. एक बार की बात सुनाते हैं कि राज परिवार की कुछ महिलायें इकट्ठी हुईं. वह कहने लगी कि परिवार के सारे दुःख वही क्यों सहें. कुछ पुरुषों को भी सहना चाहिये. वह देवी पार्वतीजी के पास गयीं और अपनी दुःख-व्यथा सुनायी. उन्हों ने कहा कि प्रसव की इतनी भयानक पीड़ा केवल वह ही क्यों सहें. यह पीड़ा पुरुष क्यों न बर्दाश्त करें. उन्हों ने बिनती की कि वह भगवान शिवजी के पास उनकी दुःख गाथा व्यक्त करें और इसका समाधान करने के लिए बिनती करें. उन्हों ने सुझाव दिया कि विधान बदल दिया जाये और प्रसव की पीड़ा पत्नी को न होकर पति को हो.

माँ पार्वतीजी भी उनकी बातों में आ गयीं और उन्हें लेकर भगवान शिवजी के पास चली गयीं. उन्होंने महिलाओं की यह मांग उनके सामने रख दी. भगवान मुस्कराए और बोले, "देवियों, इस विधान को हमने सोच समझ कर ही बनाया है. इसे नहीं बदला जा सकता."

माँ पार्वतीजी के साथ जो महिलाएं साथ आयी थीं वह जिद्द पर अड् गयीं. उन्होंने माँ को ताना दे दिया कि क्या भगवान आपकी इतनी सी मांग भी नहीं मान सकते? माँ पारवती ने भी स्त्री हठ अपना लिया. बोलीं, "आप मेरी इतनी छोटी सी बात भी नहीं मान सकते?"

भगवान ने बड़े शांत भाव से कहा, " पार्वती, जिद्द मत करो. यह विधान बड़ा सोच समझ कर बनाया है. इसे बदलना ठीक नहीं होगा."

"नहीं, महाराज." पार्वती माँ और उनके साथ आयी सारी महिलाओं ने एक साथ मांग की. "आपको हमारी मांग तो माननी ही पड़ेगी."
भगवान उनकी जिद्द के आगे झुक गए. कहा - "ठीक है. अब प्रसव की पीड़ा पति को होगी, पत्नी को नहीं. पर तुम सब पछताओगी."

सब खुशी-खुशी अपने-अपने घर वापस चली गयीं.

अगले ही दिन वह सभी महिलाएं माँ पार्वती को लेकर दौडी-दौडी भगवान शिवजी के पास पहुंचीं और उनके पाँव में गिरकर गिडगिडाने लगीं और बिलख-बिलख कर कहने लगीं, "हमें माफ़ कर दो भगवान. हमारी इज्ज़त बचा लो. पुराना विधान पुनः लागू कर दें, महाराज."

भगवान मुस्कराए, बोले - "तथास्तु".

हुआ यह था कि विधान बदलने पर प्रसव की पीड़ा एक दरबान को शुरू हो गयी थी. 

(किसी ने सुनाया था)