Showing posts with label Headline Teasers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headline Teasers. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

Headline Teasers 25-10-2013

Headline Teasers

I am not above law, nothing to hide: PM        (The Indian EXPRESS)
Except the files.

Promised to face JPC too, but forgot his bold promise.

Onion shortage temporary, says Govt    (The Statesman)
Till the stocks last with hoarders!

PM seeks Chinese investment in infra (The Statesman)
Are they not already actively investing at the border?

सीबीआई चाहे तो मुझसे कर ले पूछताछ: मनमोहन     (नई दुनिया)
यह गारंटी है कि वह तब अपना मुंह खोल लेंगे?

'दुन्‍देलखंड में वच्‍छरों ने काटा, अच्‍छा लगा' (बोले राहुल)   (नई दुनिया)
वहां क्‍या मच्‍छर भी वोटर हैं?

Sheila seeks Centre's help to check prices     (MAIL TODAY)
And voter's wrath!

PM: Sharif's Inaction on LOC disappointing  (THE ASIAN AGE)

That should provoke Manmohan and Salman Khurshid to invite him to a red carpet welcome and a sumptuous dinner in India.