Showing posts with label Ambani bros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ambani bros. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2012

On allegations about Ambani brothers' Swiss bank accounts by Kejriwal UPA & Media on same wavelength

Allegations about Ambani brothers' Swiss bank accounts by Kejriwal
UPA & Media on same wavelength 

Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party cannot just be dismissed as an irresponsible individual of no consequence. When he made allegations against BJP President Nitin Gadkari the Congress-led UPA government took these as gospel of truth immediately going into action, raiding certain concerns connected with him and demanding his resignation from the Party. In about two months, despite best efforts the government has, so far, failed to come out with any concrete evidence against him or arrive at any conclusion on the allegations. Obviously, keeping the issue hanging, in the long run, serves the Congress political and electoral interests.
But it is quite a different story as far as Kejriwal's disclosure of the account numbers of Ambani Brothers in Swiss banks is concerned. It must remain one of the rarest of the rare cases in which the matter ended just with the offices of the Ambani brothers, separately, denying the allegation and the Congress instead of going into the concrete details about the bank accounts asked, on the contrary, Kejriwal to present further evidence. One wonders is the account number not sufficient to initiate an inquiry?
More surprising is the attitude of the media which every now and then keeps alive the allegations, so far not proved, to demand Gadkari's resignation but has felt completely satisfied with the denial of the allegations by Ambani brothers. One has not heard anything about the matter from the day the allegations surfaced and instant denial by Ambanis. Media is now treating the matter as closed for all intents and purposes. Had it been some other individual or politician, media would have been in race to post-mortem the truth about the allegations as a part of what it claims to be its unchallenged right to 'investigative journalism'.
It is not the first of the case in which persons complained against have denied the allegations in so many words. But media has never taken such denials on their face value. It burns midnight oil to prove the denials wrong, as it had done, in the past, in a number of cases.
It remains beyond comprehension why has the media and the UPA government closed any inquiry into the serious Kejriwal disclosures about Ambani brothers' Swiss accounts just on their simple denials and not went ahead with investigations?
There is no gainsaying the fact that the ruling party is always not impartial and has its own political and electoral axe to grind, like in the cases against BSP chief Miss Mayawati and Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav. But what has sent our media blind, deaf and dumb on the allegations against Ambani brothers because, otherwise, it claims to be free, fearless and impartial. But is it so in the case of Ambani brothers? The doubt persists. The media owes an explanation to the people.