Wednesday, January 21, 2015


TIMES NOW Debate: KiranVsKejriwal

By Amba Charan Vashishth

The yesterday (20 January, 2015) Newshour Debate on Times Now was interesting and lively. But many important points seem to have drowned in the din of the debaters speaking to each other.
A point was made that Kiran Bedi should have taken on Kejriwal from New Delhi constituency against Kejriwal. Although Ajay Maken is contesting against Kejriwal, yet he has not been projected as Congress chief ministerial candidate. Why? Is it her opponents or the media to decide it? It is for her and the Party to decide from where she should fight the election.
If one were to go by the arguments of the anchor and the participants, they wish to throw a new tradition in our democracy where the chief (or prime) ministerial candidates should be made to fight each other in one constituency. This has never happened in a parliamentary democracy, neither in UK nor in USA. The only difference in USA is that there is a direct contest between the contestants, there being only two parties in the fray. But in India we have a few hundred parties and each will declare its own chief ministerial candidate.
Then who will decide the name of the constituency from where all the chief ministerial candidates should fight each other?
In the past no chief (or prime) ministerial candidate has chosen to challenge his rival from the same constituency. The only exception is Kejriwal who contested from Varanasi against Modi. But he was a self-propelled (and to an extent Media) prime ministerial candidate. The results have shown how laughable was his claim. Further, Modi was fighting from Vadodra in Gujarat also. Why did Kejriwal not contest from there?
In the past neither Indira Gandhi, nor Manmohan Singh contested against their prime ministerial probables in the opposition. In 2009 elections Dr. Manmohan Singh did not challenge to contest against L. K. Advani. This time too though Congress and media made it as Modi Vs Rahul contest, Rahul or his mother did not fight elections against Modi in either of the two seats. Then, why this so much hulla-bulla in the case of Kiran Bedi?

It was alleged that Kiran Bedi had been made to contest from a safe seat for BJP. Does that mean that even before the nominations have been filed, both AAP and Congress have accepted their defeat from Krishnanagar?


Monday, January 19, 2015

India frustrates another 26/11

By Amba Charan Vashishth

          What offended the Congress to get provoked to deny the Coast Guard
story of a terror boat emanating from Karachi having blown itself off
by terrorists themselves that it should refuse to believe it and
challenge the government to provide proof? Congress was in no way,
directly or indirectly, involved. Nobody even remotely alluded to any
Congress connection. Then, why did the Congress volunteer to refuse
to believe the Coast Guard and jump to the Pak boat to sing a duet with
Pakistan saying "there is no evidence"? That is baffling.

Congress lost power in 1996. Kargil war happened in 1999.  All through it was Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who called the shots in Congress — and in government when in power — as its president. It is a coincidence that both during Kargil war and the December 31. 2014 boat incident Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

During the Kargil military adventure by Pakistan the Congress then was less supportive and more critic of Atal Bihari Vajpayee's NDA government. It launched a political blitzkrieg against the government alleging ‘failure’ to keep a watchful eye on the enemy movements to frustrate such a mischief. It attributed the loss of lives of our valiant soldiers and unnecessary burden on the country's resources to this government lapse. Congress had at that time too attracted the charge of speaking the Pak language.

When ultimately the Government threw out every intruder, dead or live, and got back the last inch of India’s territory, Congress had no words of praise for facilitating  nation’s victory over Pakistan. Congress called it an army victory as if, in its opinion, army is not a part of government but a separate identity. It kept itself away from victory celebrations because for political — and electoral because elections were round the corner — reasons, it did not wish to allow the Vajpayee government to hog the credit.
Courtesy: Nai Duniya

Congress never reconciled to Kargil win. When in 2004 it returned to power, UPA government dispensed with Kargil victory celebrations at government level.

Kargil marked the first and the only decisive victory India scored over Pakistan. Kashmir in 1948 was only a partial success with one-third of the area remaining in illegal occupation of Pakistan.

In 1965 and 1971 war, too, both times India gifted on a platter at the negotiating table to Pakistan what she had won at a great sacrifice of men and material in war. India even handed over back to Pakistan the areas in Kashmir which the brave Indian army had got liberated from aggressor and which rightly and legally belonged to India.

When terrorists struck at Parliament House in 2001, all the terrorists were gunned down by bravehearts who instantly swung into defence of the temple of democracy frustrating all terror plans. Congress, on the contrary, raised the hype of this being   "a monumental security and intelligence failure" of the then NDA government. When Parliament attack culprit Afzal Guru was sentenced to death, it took more than five years for the Congress-led UPA government to take a decision on his mercy petition. The then J&K Congress chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and former NC chief minister Farooq Abdullah struck a duet that Kashmir would be on fire if Guru was hanged. As a mark of protest and in utter frustration caused by undue delay in executing Afzal, the bereaved families of those who sacrificed their life in defence of Parliament House surrendered the medals given to the bravehearts posthumously. Yet, the UPA remained unmoved of their hurt sentiments.

On December 31, 2014 night a boat taking off from Karachi port towards Gujarat was intercepted in the Indian waters about 350 miles from Porbandar by our vigilant Coast Guards. When cornered, they blew themselves and the boat off. Pakistan called the story a concoction. It sought proof. So did the Congress. Accusing the NDA government of sensationalizing the issue its spokesman Ajoy Kumar wanted the NDA government to "come clean on it" (as if it had committed some crime) as there is no evidence. How can you say that a terrorist attack was prevented?" he told reporters. This is exactly what  Pakistan was saying. It attracted BJP retort: "The Congress has time and again spoken in the same language that Pakistan has spoken. Today, we cannot differentiate between a Congress spokesperson and a Pakistani spokesperson."  The BJP national president Amit Shah said he feels "Congress doesn't know whether it would fight elections in Pakistan or India."  

It is also for the first time that a political organization which is neither a party to the dispute nor are there charges against whom has challenged a government agency and sought proof. Pak making such a demand is understandable, but why should the Congress?

In pursuit of its narrow political goals, Congress has ended up refusing to believe the brave Coast Guards whose only interest is to protect and secure the country's waters and coasts.

Comparison here with the stand taken by the ruling and opposition parties in USA during 9/11 stands starkly different. The US was taken by surprise by what happened then. But, strangely, no opposition leader or the media raised the question we in India do — total intelligence failure, alleging police, ambulances etc. not reaching in time and demand government resignation for failure to protect the life and property of its citizens. On the contrary, the whole country stood behind the US President as a rock and both houses of Congress and Senate had only praise on their lips to describe the way the then President Bush handled the situation. Do we in India wish to tell the world that we are more democratic and nationalist than all others?                                  ***  
Also published in UDAY INDIA.

Thursday, January 15, 2015



People in the country, more so in towns and cities, have shifted to drinking water in plastic bottles they purchase from the market. But stop here. Beware! It is not safe as you think. The scientists have discovered presence of harmful chemicals in bottled water. Further, the situation is worsened because of the quality of plastic used in the bottles.

You will further be astonished to go through the report: "Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids", according to a report published in SCIENCE DAILY

Date: February 4, 2008
Source: University of Cincinnati
When it comes to Bisphenol A exposure from polycarbonate plastic bottles, it's not whether the container is new or old but the liquid's temperature that has the most impact on how much BPA is released, according to new research. BPA is one of many man-made chemicals classified as endocrine disruptors, which alter the function of the endocrine system by mimicking the role of the body's natural hormones.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

OPPOSITION HOLDS PARLIAMENT TO RANSOM Modi government frustrates designs with Ordinances

Modi government frustrates designs with Ordinances

By Amba Charan Vashishth
The opposition has failed to come to terms with the people's verdict which gave a convincing majority to Modi government defeating the forces of status quo and 'performance deficit' represented by Congress-led UPA and its cohorts. It has also failed to digest the enormous work done by the new government.  Ghar wapsi programme in various parts of the country  was blow out of proportion to make an issue out of no issue. It became handy to an issue starved opposition to cry hoarse in Rajya Sabha to stall the passage of important bills and retard nation's progress.    
In the 2014 elections to Lok Sabha whether it was the Congress or the left parties or the social justice brigade of Mulayam Singh Yadav's Samajwadi Party, Janta Dal-United, Janta Dal-Secular or Lalu Yadav's Rashtriya Janata Dal or the self-proclaimed 'secularists' — they all were all out to defeat the BJP-led NDA and its icon Narendra Modi who contested the election on the plank of development and good governance with the slogan "sabkka saath, sabkaa vikaas". People gave Modi a big hand. He addressed historic rallies all over the country, the size of congregation never witnessed before. The people of India defeated convincingly and decisively the ruling Congress-led UPA and  others. The vanquished were dumbfounded.

During the last seven months Prime Minister Modi has made a mark for himself  — and for the country — with his unique style of functioning in the country that the world came to recognize that he is the man who has the skill to translate his words into action. He impressed the people of the countries he visited in a manner no other Indian leader so far in the past could. He has established a rapport with world leaders like US President, Russian President, Chinese President, Japanese Prime Minister, neighbours Nepal, Bhutan and who not whom he met. Not to be lagged behind the world leaders made a beeline to visit India and meet Modi.

Modi is the first Indian leader to have impressed the world so fast and so soon in so short a time to be declared the the most favourite to win TIME magazine's prestigious 'Person of the Year' award. At home for the TIMES OF INDIA "Person of the Year (2014) award", according to the paper, Narendra Modi had a walkover as there was no contest.
He has the knack of silencing his critics and convincing his opponents who had accused him of weaving dreams which could not be realised. He became the first Prime Minister to speak ex tempore while replying to the debate on Motion of Thanks to the President's Address in both houses of Parliament. Without naming any individual MP or Party, he gave a befitting reply to every point of importance raised in the debate.

He also became the first Prime Minister to make an ex tempore address to the nation on the Doordarshan and also while addressing the nation on the Independence Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

During the last seven months he has launched many innovative projects and initiatives. He means what he says and says what he means. In implementation of his declarations and that too in no time, he has no parallel. The Jandhan Yojna was launched within a fortnight of the announcement on august 15. The Banks have achieved the target of opening 10 crore accounts one month before the 26 January deadline set earlier.

The “Make in India” programme is creating waves within the country and generating ripples even abroad.Swachh Bharat programme has caught the imagination of the nation and has created a new awareness among the masses. Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna too has made the public representatives to involve themselves with the hopes and aspirations of their constituents by developing one such village every year in one's constituency.

The economy is back on the rails sooner than expected. The industrial production has picked up. The GDP is projected to achieve a higher growth this financial year. The global interest in the country is increasing fast and pace of FDI investment gaining momentum. Economic reforms and liberalization of economy has received a boost.

On fighting terror and internal security, Modi government has sent out a tough message to the anti-national elements. Home Minister Rajnath Singh is tackling the situation head-on. Tough stand on border skirmishes by both China and Pakistan has started paying dividends.  Pakistan has started harking to the concerns of India on cross-border terrorism with tangible results.

An opposition severely battered by the people has lost its direction. It is groping in the dark what to do. It has lost the stamina to digest such great achievements so fast. The caravan of development led by Modi government is unstoppable. Modi government had nothing to do, directly or indirectly, with the isolated reports of ghar wapsi by certain families and groups in different parts of the country But it came handy to the opposition already starved of issues to take on the Modi government. It made a mountain of a mole hill.

During this very period there were reports of conversion of Hindus into Christianity in Odisha and Kerala. But that did not pierce the conscience of the self-styled secularists for whom conversion is a pious ‘secular’ act and unflinching right but ghar wapsi (re-conversion) a rank ‘communalism’ and a ’crime’ unpardonable. If people have the right to convert, who can deny them the right to rethink and re-convert?

The Insurance Bill, the Land Acquisition Bill and Coal Sector reform Bills stood already passed by the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha too was expected to give its approval because not doing so would have put the opposition in the dock for stalling the process of reforms which were out to benefit the nation. Since Lok Sabha had already put its seal of approval to these Bills, ghar wapsi did not raise the tempers of those very ‘secularists’ in this house. These very parties which did not allow the Rajya Sabha to function remained unconcerned on the ghar wapsi issue in Lok Sabha.  

The Modi government on its part expressed its willingness to discuss the issue and volunteered to come out with a law to ban conversions. But those very people beating their chests red in Rajya Sabha were not willing to put an end to that very crime they were opposing. That exposes the hypocrisy and honesty of their sense of purpose.

The NDA government, in these circumstances, could not afford to allow the parliament to be held to ransom. It could not to afford to inherit status quo stigma of the UPA government suffering from  “governance deficit”. The only course left with the government was to resort to issue Ordinances which a representative government needs to explore only rarely. But Modi government had no other alternative. It decided to move on and clear the hurdles created by the opposition. The opposition had vowed to function as a constructive organ of democracy. But it, in effect, proved to be a hurdle in the nation’s march forward. The opposition is surely the watchdog of public interest  — a watchdog  that is useful as long as it is vigilant but not when it immobilizes its own master  and pushes him to a hospital bed.                                                                                                                                                           ***

Sure test that they were terrorists

(Courtesy: Naidunia Jan. 06)
Sure test that they were terrorists